HOME行业资讯 >> 大型咨询及会计机构正冒险向战略服务推进
[来源:经济学人] [作者:CareerFrog] [日期:14-04-09] [热度:]



Bigconsulting and accounting firms are making a risky move into strategy work

      “OPERATIONS consultants sit at the front of the classroom,” says a partner at a strategy consultancy. “Strategyconsultants stay in the back, not paying attention, throwing paper airplanes.But they still get the girls and get rich.” Like somany caricatures, this one is cruel but contains a grain of truth. Operationsconsultants—the fine-detail guys who tinker withbusinesses’ internal processes to make them run better—generally do not enjoy the same glamour or financial rewards asstrategy specialists, whose job is to advise firms on make-or-break deals,adopting new business models and other big stuff.


      Although in practice their work overlaps, thetwo have until now remained distinct businesses. Strategy firms like McKinsey,Bain and the Boston Consulting Group hire from the top universities, are packedwith highly paid partners and whisper their counsel in CEOs’ears. In contrast, operations specialists such as IBM, Accenture and the BigFour accounting firms (Deloitte, EY, KPMG and PwC) employ armies of lower-paidgrunts; and tend to answer to the client firm’s financeor tech chiefs.


      This year, however, that line has begun to blur.In January Deloitte became the largest of the Big Four by scooping up theassets of Monitor, a strategy firm that had gone bust. And on October 30th itsclosest rival, PwC, said it would buy another strategy firm, Booz &Company, for a reported $1 billion. If Booz’spartners approve the deal, it will vault PwC back into first place.


      The accountancies’ pushinto strategy has been a decade in the making. During the late-1990s technologybubble they beefed up their IT-consulting arms. But in 2001 Enron, anenergy-trading firm, went bust and took its auditor, Arthur Andersen, down withit. In response, America’s Congress passed theSarbanes-Oxley corporate-governance reform, which banned firms from doingsystems consulting for companies they audited. As a consolation prize, the BigFour made a fortune helping clients comply with the new law. Their advisorybusinesses, full of potential for conflicts of interest with their auditingside, by now seemed dispensable. All but Deloitte had sold off those divisionsby 2003.

      十年以来,会计所们一直在向战略咨询业务推进。1990年代晚期,互联网泡沫使会计所中的IT咨询部门强大起来。但是,能源贸易公司安然在2001年破产, 也牵连到了其审计师安达信。结果,美国国会通过了《萨班斯-奥克斯利》公司治理改革法案,禁止审计公司向其审计客户公司提供系统咨询服务。作为对审计师的安慰补偿,四大会计所通过为其客户提供新法律的合规业务大赚了一笔。与审计业务充满潜在利益冲突的咨询业务因而变得可有可无。截至2003年,除德勤之外的四大均卖掉了自己的咨询部门。

      Just as the workload from Sarbanes-Oxley began to dwindle, the 2008-09financial crisis hit, causing consulting revenues to dip (see chart). But oncethe economy recovered, the climate for the Big Four started to resemble the1990s. They began to rush back into consultancy, encouraged by its high marginsand double-digit annual growth rates at a time when revenue growth fromauditing and tax work had slowed. In particular, Deloitte and PwC began gobblingup operations consultancies as they sparred for the top spot.


      For years the strategy firms remained beyond theBig Four’s grasp.During the 2000s they had mostly prospered on their own, and their partnersshuddered at the thought of being subsumed into giant bureaucracies. After thefinancial crisis, however, midsized strategy consultants hit hard times.Cost-conscious companies with globalising businesses wanted either to hireboutiques with deep knowledge of their industries, or to benefit from the scaleof generalist firms with offices everywhere. Too big for some clients and toosmall for others, Monitor went under, and Booz—aspin-off from Booz Allen Hamilton, which now focuses on operations work forgovernments—went on the block.


      Both Booz and PwC say that the two sides ofconsulting are converging, and that more clients want a one-stop shop that canboth devise a strategy and execute it. Deloitte and Monitor claim theirintegration is already bearing fruit. “There’s been a very healthytwo-way cross-selling opportunity,” says Mike Canningof Deloitte.


      Nonetheless, Booz’s leadership still faces a hard sellto get the deal passed. In 2010 the company’s partnersvoted down a proposed merger with AT Kearney, another midsized strategy firm.This marriage involves far more risks. A significant number of Booz’s clients would immediately be in doubt because PwC audits them—strategy consulting for audit clients is banned in many countries,and even where it is legal it is frowned upon (not least in America). Since theBig Four are structured as associations of national partnerships, Booz’s staff would probably end up being divided by country, hinderingthe global co-operation that many big clients seek.


      Most important, each of Booz’s 300 partners would have to trademeaningful sway over the direction of a highly profitable firm for a minusculestake in a diversified, lower-margin empire. If the sale is approved, the testof its success will come in a few years, after Booz’spartners receive their full payout and can head off. An exodus would leave PwCempty-handed.


      The Big Four are also running a risk far greaterthan the cost of their purchases. A decade ago they placated regulators byretreating from advisory work. High-profile deals like the Booz-PwC tie-up putthe conflict of interest between auditing and consulting back in the spotlight:after it was announced, Arthur Levitt, a former head of America’s Securities and ExchangeCommission, warned that the firms were “slipping back” towards old, bad habits. Any gains from pushing into strategy workmight end up being outweighed by the cost of another regulatory crackdown.



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